Use this command to enable or disable IP directed broadcasts on an interface.
access-list acl-name | (Optional) Specifies a standard or extended access list to apply to this directed broadcast. |
copy-to interface | (Optional) Specifies an interface to which all directed broadcasts should be copied. |
If access-list acl-name is not specified, no ACL is applied to this directed broadcast.
Configuration command, Interface configuration.
The “no” form of this command disables IP directed broadcast for that interface and removes any access list applied to the command. The “no” form of this command with an access list specified will remove the access list from the command but keep the IP directed broadcast command enabled for that interface.
This example shows how to enable IP directed broadcasts on VLAN 1 applying ACL db1:
System(rw-config)->interface vlan.0.1 System(rw-config-intf-vlan.0.1)->ip directed-broadcast access-list db1
This example shows how to set VLAN 100 as the MAC non-authenticated interface that magic packet directed broadcasts are copied to:
System(rw-config)->interface vlan.0.1 System(rw-config-intf-vlan.0.1)->ip directed-broadcast copy-to vlan.0.100