Use this command to display the status of MAC locking on one or more ports.
stations firstarrival | static | (Optional) Display the stations for this device, optionally specifying the first arrival method or statically provisioned. |
port-string | (Optional) Displays MAC locking status for specified port(s). For a detailed description of possible port-string values, refer to the S-, K-, and 7100 Series Configuration Guide. |
If no option is specified, MAC locking status will be displayed for all ports.
All command modes.
This example shows how to display MAC locking information for ge.2.1 through 5:
System(rw)->show maclock ge.1.1-4 MAC locking is globally disabled. Port Port Trap Syslog Aging Port Clr Max Max Last Violating Number Stat Thr|Viol Thr|Viol Stat Dis|Viol OLC Stc FA MAC Address -------- ---- -------- -------- ---- -------- --- --- ---- ----------------- ge.1.1 dis dis|dis dis|dis dis dis|dis ena 64 600 00-00-00-00-00-00 ge.1.2 dis dis|dis dis|dis dis dis|dis ena 64 600 00-00-00-00-00-00 ge.1.3 dis dis|dis dis|dis dis dis|dis ena 64 600 00-00-00-00-00-00 ge.1.4 dis dis|dis dis|dis dis dis|dis ena 64 600 00-00-00-00-00-00
show maclock Output Details provides an explanation of the command output.
show maclock Output Details
Output Field | What It Displays... |
Port Number | Port designation. |
Port Stat(us) | Whether MAC locking is enabled (ena) or disabled (dis) on the port. MAC locking is globally disabled by default. For details on enabling MAC locking on the switch and on one or more ports, refer to set maclock enable and set maclock. |
Trap Thr | Vio | Whether MAC lock threshold (Thr) and violation (Vio) trap messaging is enabled (ena) or disabled (dis) on the port. For details on setting this status, refer to set maclock trap. |
Syslog Thr | Vio | Whether MAC lock threshold (Thr) and violation (Vio) syslog messaging is enabled (ena) or disabled (dis) on the port. For details on setting this status, refer to set maclock syslog. |
Aging Stat(us) | Whether aging of FirstArrival MAC addresses is enabled (ena) or disabled (dis) on the port. Refer to set maclock agefirstarrival. |
Port Dis | Viol | Port Dis shows the port‘s threshold shutdown state, enabled (ena) or disabled (dis). (etsMACLockingThresholdShutdown) Refer to set maclock disable-port. Port Viol shows the MAC locking shutown state, enabled (ena) or disabled (dis). (etsMACLockingShutdownState). |
Clr OLC | Shows the state of First Arrival MAC address locking clear on link change, enabled (ena) or disabled (dis). Refer to set maclock clearonlinkchange. |
Max Stc | The maximum static MAC addresses allowed locked to the port. For details on setting this value, refer to set maclock static. |
Max FA | The maximum end station MAC addresses allowed locked to the port. For details on setting this value, refer to set maclock firstarrival. |
Last Violating MAC Address | Most recent MAC address(es) violating the maximum static and first arrival value(s) set for the port. |
This example shows how to display MAC locking information for the end stations connected to all ports in module 2:
System(rw)->show maclock stations ge.2.* Port Number MAC Address Status State ------------ ----------------- -------------- -------------- ge.2.3 00-10-a4-e5-08-4e active first learned ge.2.3 08-00-20-7c-e0-db active first learned ge.2.6 00-60-08-14-4b-15 active first learned ge.2.6 08-00-20-20-32-4b active first learned ge.2.9 08-00-20-77-aa-80 active first learned ge.2.12 00-03-ba-08-4c-f0 active first learned ge.2.14 00-01-f4-2c-ad-b4 active first learned
show maclock stations Output Details provides an explanation of the command output.
show maclock stations Output Details
Output... | What it displays... |
Port Number | Port designation. For a detailed description of possible port-string values, refer to the S-, K-, and 7100 Series Configuration Guide. |
MAC address | MAC address of the end station(s) locked to the port. |
Status | Whether the end stations are active or inactive. |
State | Whether the end station locked to the port is a first learned, first arrival or static connection. |