tunnel any-remote enable (S-, K-Series)

Use this command to configure a L2 (Virtual Private Port) tunnel to accept any remote IP as the source IP address, as long as the destination IP address matches this tunnel's source IP.


tunnel any-remote enable
no tunnel any-remote enable




The tunnel any-remote feature is disabled by default.


Tunnel Interface Configuration command mode.


This command permits the configuration of a source address only L2 Virtual Private Port tunnel, allowing multiple tunneled port mirrors to use this tunnel source as a destination.

When any-remote is enabled on the L2 tunnel:

  • The tunnel accepts any tunneled packet destined to it's tunnel source. It decapsulates the packet and forwards it out the Ethernet port assigned to the tunnel.
  • Any packets received on the Ethernet port assigned to the tunnel are switched or routed as normal, and not sent across the Virtual Private Port.
  • If a destination address is configured on an any-remote enabled L2 tunnel, it has no practical affect, but it must have a route to the destination for the tunnel to be up.

Use the “no” option for this command to reset tunnel any-remote to the default value of disabled.


This example shows how to enable tunnel any-remote on tunnel 1 configured for L2 Virtual Private Port on port ge.1.1:

System(rw-config)->Interface tun.0.1
System(rw-config-intf-tun.0.1)->tunnel mode gre l2 ge.1.1
System(rw-config-intf-tun.0.1)->tunnel any-remote enable
System(rw-config-intf-tun.0.1)->tunnel source
System(rw-config-intf-tun.0.1)->no shutdown