Use this command to display the MA component configuration information.
md | Specifies an MD context. |
ma | Specifies an MA context. |
string-name name | Specifies the MD or MA string name of the MA component configuration to display. Valid values are up to 43 printable characters. |
dns-like-name dns-name | Specifies the MD DNS like maintenance domain string name of the MA component configuration to display. Valid values are up to 43 printable characters. |
mac-int-name mac-name | Specifies the MD MAC address formatted string name of the MA component configuration to display. A valid value is a MAC address formatted string plus an integer index ID value separated by a period (.) in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.ID or xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.ID, where x is a hex value and the ID range is 0 - 65535. |
no-name | Specifies the NULL string named MD of the MA component configuration to display. |
index index | Specifies the MD index value or the MA index of the MA component configuration to display. |
vid-name vlan | Specifies the MA VLAN ID name of the MA component configuration to display. |
id-name id | Specifies the MA ID name of the MA component configuration to display. |
index index | Specifies the MA index value of the MA component configuration to display. |
All command modes.
This example displays the component configuration for the myMD1 index 1 MA:
System(rw)->show cfm md string-name myMD1 ma index 1 ma-comp MD Name: myMD1 MA Name: myMA1 Bridge Sel Sel MHF MHF MA Comp CompId Type Value Create ID-permission Status ---------- ------ ---------- -------- ------------------- ------------- 1 VID 0 Defer Defer Active System(rw)->
show cfm md ma ma-comp Output Display provides an explanation of the command output.
show cfm md ma ma-comp Output Display
Output... | What it displays... |
MD Name | The MD name for the MA component configuration information to display. |
MA Name | The MA name for the component configuration information to display. |
Bridge CompID | The ID of the MA bridge component. |
Sel Type | The service type protected: VID. |
Sel Value | Protected service value. |
MHF Create | The maintenance intermediate-point creation behavior setting. |
MHF ID-permission | The configuration setting for the content sent in the SenderID TLV by the MD. |
MA Comp Status | The MA component configuration status. Active (enabled) or Inactive (not enabled). |