spf pause-frequency

Use this command to specify the number of units of CPU credits SPF calculation runs before pausing.


spf pause-frequency units
no pause-frequency


units Specifies the number of units of CPU credit an SPF calculation runs before pausing. Valid values: 0 - 4294967295; Default: 10000.




OSPF router configuration.


The SPF algorithm is a method of calculating the best path to all known destinations based on the information in its link state database. A CPU credit is a unit of processing controlled by the operating system. After the SPF calculation has run the configured number of CPU credits, the SPF process will pause allowing other active processes a share of CPU time. The SPF calculation will start up again after all other active processes have used up their allotted credits. Increasing this value will allow a faster completion of an SPF calculation at the expense of all other active processes.

Entering 0 specifies the SPF calculation does not pause until it is completed.

The “no” form of this command restores the default values.


This example shows how to set the SPF pause frequency setting to 12000 units:

System(rw-config)->router ospf 1
System(rw-config-ospf-1)->spf pause-frequency 12000