set console

Use this command to set the properties for one or more console ports.


set console {[baud rate] | [bits num-bits] | [cts-link {enable | disable}] | [flowcontrol {none | ctsrts | dsrdtr}] | [parity {none | odd | even | mark | space}] | [stopbits {one | oneandhalf | two}][vt100 dsr {enable | disable | timeout timeout]} [port-string]


rate Sets the console baud rate. Valid values are: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400. Default value: 9600.
num-bits Specifies the number of bits per character. Valid values are 5, 6, 7, and 8. Default value: 8.
flowcontrol {none | ctsrts | dsrdtr} Sets flowcontrol as follows:
  • none disables all hardware flow control, or specifies that no parity checking will be performed.
  • ctsrts enables CTS/RTS (Clear to Send/Request to Send) hardware flow control.
  • dsrdtr enables DSR/DTR (Data Set Ready/Data Terminal Ready) hardware flow control.

Default value: ctsrts.

odd | even | mark | space Enables odd, even mark or space parity checking.
one | oneandhalf | two Sets stop bits per character to 1, 1.5 or 2.
vt100 dsr Sets the Device Status Request (DSR) status for the VT100 console:
  • enable – Enables DSR for the VT100
  • disable – Disables DSR for the VT100
  • timeout – Sets the number of seconds to wait for a VT100 DSR response from the terminal.
port-string (Optional) Sets baud rate for specific port(s).


If port-string is not specified, the property value specified will be set for all console ports.


All command modes. The vt100 dsr option is only available in Super-User management access mode when the security profile is set to C2.


If C2 security mode is enabled, You can not create, modify, or clear a console configuration while in Read-Write user mode.


This example shows how to set the baud rate to 19200 on console port com.1.1:

System(rw)->set console baud 19200 com.1.1

This example shows how to set the bits property value to 8 on all console ports:

System(rw)->set console bits 8

This example shows how to set the flowcontrol property value to none on console port com.1.1:

System(rw)->set console flowcontrol none com.1.1

This example shows how to set the parity property value to even on all ports:

System(rw)->set console parity even

This example shows how to set the stopbits property value to one on console ports com.1.1 and com.1.2:

System(rw)->set console stopbits one com.1.1-2