set mld static

Use this command to add or modify a static MLD entry.


set mld static group-address vlan-list [modify {[include-ports include-ports] [exclude-ports exclude-ports]}]


group Adds or modifies a static MDL entry for the specified Group IP address
vlan-list Adds or modifies a static MDL entry for the specified VLAN ID or range of IDs. Valid values are 1 – 4094.
modify (Optional) Appends specified include or exclude ports to an existing MLD group.
include-ports include-ports (Optional) Port or range of include ports to add to this static MLD group configuration.
exclude-ports exclude-ports (Optional) Port or range of exclude ports to add to this static MLD group configuration.


  • If modify is not specified, the static entry will be created and overwrite any existing MLD group configuration for this group address.
  • If include-ports is not specified, no include ports are added to the MLD group.
  • If exclude-ports is not specified, no exclude ports are added to the MLD group.


All command modes, Read-Write.


This example creates a new MLD static group on VLAN 1 with a group address of ff33:abcd::1 and includes ports ge.1.5 through ge.1.8:

System(rw)->set mld static ff33:abcd::1 1 include-ports ge.1.5-8