Auto-sense Logical Flowcharts
The system uses a per-interface state to adapt to all Auto-sense events. Each state transition determines background configuration on the port. The system does not display Auto-sense port configurations in the show running-config command or in the saved configuration file; instead use the show auto-sense commands to show global and port specific Auto-sense information..
The following flowcharts describe the system logic for Auto-sense port state detection, how the system configurations change the logic path, and the Auto-sense configuration results.

The vlan create CLI command examples do not apply to DvR leaf switch configurations. DvR leaf switches create VLANs automatically.Auto-sense Fabric NNI
Detection of a Fabric network-to-network interface (NNI) results in tagged Backbone VLAN IDs (B-VID) with IS-IS NNI enabled.
Auto-sense UNI Client without NAC
Detection of a user-to-network interface (UNI) client without network access control (NAC) results in untagged data configuration based on system configuration.
Auto-sense UNI Client with NAC
Detection of a user-to-network interface (UNI) client with network access control (NAC) results in untagged, tagged, or dropped data configuration based on system configuration.
Auto-sense Voice without NAC
Detection of voice without network access control (NAC) results in untagged, tagged, or dropped data based on system configuration.
Auto-sense Voice with NAC
Detection of voice with network access control (NAC) results in untagged, tagged, or dropped data based on system configuration.
Auto-sense FA Proxy Switch
Detection of a Fabric Attach (FA) proxy switch results in untagged or tagged data based on system configuration.
Auto-sense FA WAP, Camera, or OVS without NAC
Detection of a Fabric Attach (FA) wireless access point (WAP), camera, or open virtual switch (OVS) without network access control (NAC) results in untagged or tagged data based on system configuration.
Auto-sense FA WAP, Camera, or OVS with NAC
Detection of a Fabric Attach (FA) wireless access point (WAP), camera, or open virtual switch (OVS) with network access control (NAC) results in untagged or tagged data based on system configuration.